Thursday, May 13, 2010

My life part~1

Red eyes scanned the area as the black and red hedgehog came out from hiding.
"I got to get that chaos emerald before Sonic does"


"Oh no not again." The hedgehog whined
"Stop right there hedgehog!" A distinctively fat figure came out into the open.
"Okay.... Who are you? And why should I listen?" The hedgehog said with a snort of laughter.
The fat one got right up in his face and said,"Because, I control your death. My name is Doctor Robotnick. I wouldn't be laughing." Robotnick said making the hedgehog ears flatten.
"Let me ask you something now"
"Okay... What?"
"What is your name?" Robotnick asked.
"Pff. To think I'll tell you." The hedgehog mumbled.
"You have better or I'll kill you." Robotnick threatened.
"With what?" The hedgehog sounded stupid for asking.
"This!" Robotnick pulled out a laser gun and, held the trigger (Very close to shooting the hedgehog).
The gun was a slight cold on the hedgehogs chest.
"Now tell me your name" Robotnick said though gritted teeth.
"Okay okay calm down. *Sigh* My names Shadow... Shadow the hedgehog." The hedgehog seized a sigh.
"Okay so you aren't Sonic. Just to make sure~" Robotnick pulled Shadows ear and let go.
"Hey!" Shadow said rubbing his ear.
"That hurt you dill weed!" Shadow mumbled.
"Guards!" Robotnick yelled.
"YES SIR?" the robots asked.
"Take this hedgehog to the robotisizer! Now" Robotnick yelled the commands.
"Wai- Wha?!" Shadow was interrupted as he was picked up.
"Why you idiots! Put me down!" Shadow, struggled yet couldn't escape there grasp.
"Don't try to pry free hedgehog. For if you do it'll be the last time you'll see this place." Robotnick warned.
Shadow let himslef be carried off, staring angerly into Robotnicks eyes.
Shadow mouthed something that Robtnick thought wasn't true, "I'll escape, you'll see."

Look for Part~2 of My Life!